Cow & Gate stands for the natural happiness every baby should be able to enjoy. But, beyond its food products, the brand wasn’t doing enough to really live up to this broader ambition. We had the opportunity to do something ror all the parents who relied on us rather than just say it.
To bring to life C&G baby club's brand promise in a real, useful and meaningful way for parents, we created The Happy Song - the world’s first song scientifically proven to make babies happy. We commissioned Grammy-award-winning composer Imogen Heap to work with child psychologists, undertaking ground breaking research into what musical elements make babies happy. Through consultation with over 1000 British parents - who submitted their babies “happy" sounds - we created our song. Available on Spotify and, it is a genuine tool for parents who want to put a smile on their little one’s faces.
The results speak for themselves: smiling, dancing, giggling, clapping babies – guaranteed! The song’s become a talking point worldwide, and it’s impact hasn’t slowed over the time since it’s release. As new mums have babies, it’s helping them too.